Saturday, April 11, 2009

Random Reasoning's IX

An occasional column of random thoughts and observations

  1. I hope everyone had a great Easter this year and did you see that Barack Obama and family held the first Seder ever celebrated in the White House (to see the official picture click here)?
  2. In this week's poll, it appears that Michelle Obama is a true asset to Barack Obama and the Nation. This week's question: Is Michelle Obama and asset for President Obama? She's great; 84%, She's OK; 16%, She sends the wrong message; 0%; She's all flash and no substance; 0%, She needs to stay in the White House; 0%.
  3. This week's posts also saw the very first, "Governing Against the Tide" challenge. To see all of the comments, track to the April 6 post. Apparently, the challenge concludes that the Palin's did break Alaska law regarding the truancy of their children, but there are no consequences. Nobody provided information on the individual community requirements, so this keeps us hanging. I guess they are off the hook.
  4. Watching the Minnesota Senate race between Al Frankin and Norm Coleman is sort of like watching grass grow. The worst part is that we started watching in November when the grass stopped growing and we're still waiting for that first sign of growth six months later.
  5. OK, this may be old news by the time you read it, but I'm guessing that the Obama children will get their puppy on Easter morning.
  6. Republicans continue to hammer away at Obama, claiming that he was on an apology tour when he was overseas. Like; DA -- Ya. Somebody had to do it!!
  7. I hate to do this on an Easter Sunday post, but Pope Benedict needs to see this message about condoms (you need to click here).
  8. South Carolina's Governor, Mark Sanford has launched a new national TV campaign to blast the deficit spending of Barack Obama. I think they have to change the definition of hypocrite in Webster's Dictionary to include Mark Sanford as part of the definition, the biggest hypocrite since Karl Rove. Governor Sanford seems to believe that he should be able to spend Stimulus money to pay down his own state's deficit. What a tool; what nerve; what an idiot!!
  9. Did you know that McLane Stevenson who played Cornell Henry Blake in "Mash" was the nephew of Adlai Stevenson?
  10. Did you see where Senator Inhofe, Republican from Oklahoma blasted the Obama administration for gutting the defense budget? It's true, Obama has slashed the Bush $513 billion defense budget to $534 billion in his proposal. Huh???? Have all Republicans flipped their lids?
  11. In my home town of Coventry, RI, the Teachers Alliance just handed out $74,000 in scholarships to seniors going to college and $41,000 came directly from the teachers (active and retired) and school district employees. Damn unions! They always seem to be getting in the way!
  12. The turmoil over Barack Obama's appearance at Notre Dame University is a pathetic example of pure stupidity. If you are as upset about this as I am, you need to watch the Lawrence O'Donnell "smack down" of Patrick Buchanan (click here).
  13. In this week's Newsweek poll, Barack Obama had a 66% approval rating.
  14. I guess that the puppy won't show up until Tuesday as reported.


1 comment:

  1. it's time somebody closes out that Minnesota Senate race and seat Al Frankin.
