Thursday, April 30, 2009

Why I'm a Progressive/Democrat

I know that some of my Republican friends will take exception to this, but I lean towards the progressive Democrats because I believe in freedom and liberty. Republicans simply don't believe in freedom and liberty. They have convinced many that only their message supports these cornerstones of this great country. I suppose any Republican reading this statement is jumping up and down now and trying to install a virus on my computer. Let me explain why I believe Republicans lack an understanding of freedom and liberty.

Let me just ask a series of questions and you decide what the best answer is. 1). Which party is more likely to not support the right of a women to choose an abortion? 2). Which party is more likely to oppose gay marriage or rights of gays to co-habitate? 3). Which party has pushed for more and more drug testing of citizens throughout the nation for multiple reasons? 4). Which party is more likely to force the teaching of junk science in the classroom; better known as intelligent design? 5). Which party is in favor of forcing prayer in the public schools? 6). Which party is more likely to claim that we are a "Christian Nation"? 7). Which party sides with big business and is more likely to oppose union organizing? 8). Which party is always fighting the raising of the minimum wage? 9). Which party has opposed quality health care as a right? 10). Which party believes that pension programs (including social security) need to be privatized and managed by Wall St. titans?

Did you all respond; the Republican party to all of the above questions? I think that anyone that is honest with themselves would have answered the above questions with one word; Republican.

Let's take a closer look. 1). Republicans are more likely to take the right of women to choose an abortion out of their hands. Is this representative of freedom and liberty? 2). Republicans are more likely to outlaw gay marriage as well as support laws that dictated behavior behind closed doors. Is this representative of freedom and liberty? 3). Reagan began the move to drug test everyone, overlooking the U.S. Constitution's ban on inappropriate search and seizure. Republicans are far more likely to require school children to submit to drug testing without probable cause. Republicans are far more likely to oppose legalizing certain drugs. Is this representative of freedom and liberty? 4). Republicans are far more likely to pass laws requiring the teaching of crap (intelligent design) which is detrimental to the human race. Is this representative of freedom and liberty? 5). Republicans continue to fight for requiring prayer in public schools even though public schools are not institutions of worship. In other words, Republicans are trying to force all citizens to accept Christian religion. Is this representative of freedom and liberty? 6). Republicans continue to claim that the U.S. is a Christian nation, when the founders established from day one, freedom of religion. Is this representative of freedom and liberty? 7). Republicans (except Teddy Roosevelt) have historically bashed unions as enemies of capitalism. Republicans have fought union organizing in an effort to support the elite. Is this representative of freedom and liberty? 8). Republicans have always fought the raising of the minimum wage which helps to liberate those that are economically downtrodden. Is this representative of freedom and liberty? 9). Republicans have always opposed government intervention in health care. Lack of health care for all citizens eliminates the possibility of the pursuit of happiness. Is this representative of freedom and liberty? 10). Republicans want the financial future of our citizens left to the wisdom of Wall Street. Republicans want citizens to be forced to invest in money grabbing Wall Street schemes that fluctuate as often as the wind. Is this representative of freedom and liberty?

I'm a Democrat because I believe in freedom and liberty. If you were honest with yourselves when answering the questions, you must see that Republican philosophy of today does not fully support freedom and liberty. I support freedom and liberty and I'm proud of it. By the way; I support gun rights but I'm opposed to the sale of assault weapons. I suppose that Republicans could turn my argument around on this issue. At any rate; I think everyone should walk the talk when it comes to freedom and liberty.


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